Влияние сортовых особенностей на урожайность и качество зерна ячменя ярового в условиях северной степи Украины
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Donetsk State Agricultural Science Station, National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
Grodno State Agrarian University, Belarus
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2021;66(1):36-39
The article presents the results of research that demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed agro-technological measures of growing spring barley in the eastern part of the Northern Steppe of Ukraine. For the first time the regularities of growth, development and formation the grain productivity of plants of different varieties of spring barley and their adaptive indicators under the influence of biotic and abiotic factors are established. The reaction of plants of different varieties of spring barley to predecessors, mineral fertilizers, use of growth regulators in the conditions of the eastern part of the Northern Steppe for grain formation with appropriate grain quality indicators has been established. By investigation the genetic material that would stabilize the grain productivity of spring barley in the area of the eastern part of the Northern Steppe, a variety of spring barley Skhidnyi and the first brewing variety of spring barley Stepovik was bred. Regardless of the fact that the Northern Steppe is not a typical area for growing malting barley, however, the use of the proposed elements of technology contributes to the production of grain of appropriate quality. An additional impact on the quality of grain products is provided by the use of varieties of the appropriate purpose. Thus, by the using the improved growing technology of spring barley variety Stepovyk the protein content decreased to 10,1%, and the extractivity oppositely, increased to 75,9%. It is revealed that the introduction of the proposed elements of the growing technology of spring barley helps to strengthen the immunity of plants to pathogens of major diseases. As a result of research, new and improved existing methods of varietal technology for growing spring barley, which, in the conditions of the eastern part of the Northern Steppe, contribute to a more complete realization of the genetic potential of varieties, increase yields, improve grain quality and reduce production costs.
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