Эффективность применения микробиологических препаратов при выращивании пшеницы озимой
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Donetsk State Agricultural Science Station, National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
Grodno State Agrarian University, Belarus
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2021;66(1):30-35
The article presents a theoretical generalization and a new solution to a scientific problem, which consists in the scien-tific substantiation and development of agrotechnological measures to increase the grain productivity of winter wheat plants, taking into account the morphobiological characteristics of the variety, its response to the use of microbiological preparations in order to increase the efficiency of cultivation and stabilize the gross grain yield in the region. It was found that the inoculation of seeds with microbiological preparations had a positive effect not only on the formation of biometric indicators of winter wheat plants, but also improved physiological processes, such as the accumulation of chlo-rophyll in the leaves. The conditions of autumn vegetation of winter crops during the years of research contributed to an increase in the content of chlorophyll in the vegetative parts of plants. So, at the time of the termination of the autumn vegetation, all variants where seed inoculation was used provided an increase in the chlorophyll content in comparison with the control from 0.3 mg/g up to 0.6 mg/g. Among the options stood out those where GumiFrend or HelpRost were added to the Melanoriz. Studies have shown that the use of microbiological preparations in winter wheat cultivation technologies enhances the supply of nutrients to plants that stimulate plant development during the growing season, and, as a result, increases the yield structure indicators. Along with the options where seed inoculation was used, the options with spraying crops also influenced the ear length, providing an increase to the control option by 4.1%, due to spraying crops in the tillering phase and by 6.9% when spraying crops in the flag leaf phase with the GumiFrend. It was found that over the years of research, the most significant increase in yield was when seeds were inoculated with Melanoriz (12.5%). As a result of many years of research, the existing methods of growing winter wheat have been improved through the introduction of new agrotechnical measures, which make it possible to more fully realize the genetic characteristics of a new variety of winter wheat in the conditions of the eastern part of the Northern Steppe.
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