Оценка баланса парниковых газов при получении возобновляемой биомассы с короткоцикловых энергетических плантаций ивы
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Belarus National Technical University, Minsk, Belarus
Republican Institute of Professional Education, Minsk, Belarus
University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2018;63(1):69-74
Greenhouse gas control it is key aspect for climate protection. The positioning of corporations concerning greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) has changed profoundly in the past two decades. As climate regulation became inevitable, companies started adopting more proactive strategies. One of the effective methods for greenhouse gas emission calculation is based on life cycle analysis. A carbon footprint is defined as the sum of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions caused by an organization, event, or product and is expressed in terms of CO2 equivalents (CO2-e). Our investigations were devoted to greenhouse emission assessment during life cycle of willow wood production from short rotation coppice plantations. In accordance with results about 48% of carbon dioxide gas from all life cycle of willow was emitted during wood harvesting and transportation to energy plants. It is necessary to optimize the logistic scheme of willow wood harvesting and transportation for decreasing of greenhouse gas emission. The substitutions of fossil fuel by willow wood enable to save 11733 ton CO2-e from 30 hectares of willow plantation. The carbon tax for instance in Australia starting at AU$ 23 a ton of Carbon Dioxide equivalent (tCO2e). Thus, the substitute of fossil fuel by willow wood may have profit as for regional so and for local level of production.
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