Оценка степени повреждения сельскохозяйственных культур градом с использованием изображений дистанционного зондирования земли
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2009;54(3):149-156
The hail is considered as the dangerous hydrometeorological phenomenon in territory of the Republic of Belarus. The opportunity is analyzed and the technique of agricultural crops loss (hail damage) assessment with use of remote sensing images (RSI) is developed. Error possible sources of agricultural crops loss (hail damage) assessment with use of RSI are considered. Assessment results of agricultural crops loss by hailstorm on Juty, 12th, 2007 in Goretsk District of the Mogilyov Region with use of Landsat TM/ETM+ images are analysed.
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Состояние природной среды Беларуси: Экологический бюллетень. 2007 г. / Под ред. В.Ф. Логинова. - Мн.: Минсктиппроект, 2008. - 376 с.
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