Опыт разработки технологического оборудования для крупно и мелкотоварного интенсивного свиноводства и птицеводства, снижающего негативное влияние на окружающую среду
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Establishment of education "Belarusian Agricultural Technical University", Minsk, Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2017;62(2):46-49
The sets of the innovative hardware for equipment of pigs breeding farms developed in RUE "NPC NAS of Belarus of Mechanization of Agriculture" are presented in this article, the researches were conducted proving that domestic processing equipment isn't inferior to the western one, and surpasses it in expeditious service and opportunities of adaptation of the software to specific conditions of the enterprises. The developed innovative equipment meets all production requirements and allows to use most fully the genetic potential of an animal that is confirmed by the schedules of labor productivity provided in article, conversion of a forage and an average daily gain of live weight on nurture. Obtaining such good results in Republic of Belarus became possible thanks to application of elements of the best available technologies in pigs breeding at new construction and reconstruction of pigs breeding farms. At the Institute of Agroengineering and Environmental Problems\Russian Federation\ projects of intelligent technological modules, with full mechanization and automated of the main technological processes, the drops of labor costs allowing to achieve, improvements of a sanitary and hygienic situation of keeping of animals and birds and drop of stressful situations at their service are developed for small-scale producers that as a result will lead to depreciation of the made production and increase in profitability and competition of production.
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