Влияние содержания Nмiн на динамику накопления сухого вещества, а также показатели эффективности использования азота в ювенальной фазе кукурузы
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Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu ul. Dojazd 11, 60-632 Poznań, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2018;63(1):130-134
Field studies were carried out to test the impact of nitrogen fertilizers, nitrogen dose and mineral nitrogen content in soil before maize sowing on the initial growth of maize, nitrogen content, nitrogen assimilation and on the efficiency of the ingredient in maize grown in juvenile phase. There was presented that in the juvenile maize (BBCH 15/16) phase, the calcium nitrate was the worst among the tested nitrogen fertilizers, as evidenced by the values of the tested features. Mineral nitrogen (Nmin) contained in the soil in the root zone of maize (0-0,6 m) significantly increases the accumulation of the component by maize. Mineral nitrogen (Nmin) significantly improves the value of nitrogen efficiency indicators. The agricultural and physiological efficiency as well as nitrogen utilization are directly proportional to the amount of soil Nmin included in the algorithm for calculating the nitrogen fertilizer for maize cultivation.
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