A comparison of quality of work of the feed mixer wagons with vertical and horizontal mixing systems
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Poznan University of Life Sciences, Institute of Biosystems Engineering, ul. Wojska Polskiego 28, 60-623 Poznań, Poland
Poznan University of Life Sciences, Department of Agronomy, ul. Wojska Polskiego 28, 60-623 Poznań, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2018;63(2):124-128
The paper presents the results of research on the assessment of the quality of fragmentation and the structure of totally complete feed rations in five different technologies (T1-T5) preparation and setting of TMR for cattle. The research was carried out in five farms in Wielkopolska, where dairy cows were kept. During the studies on farms TMR for dairy cows were prepared in the following portions: T1 - 3595 kg, T2 - 2662 kg, T3 -3100 kg, T4 - 3760 kg and in T5 - 4925 kg. Due to different composition, the average dry matter content in the prepared rations was respectively: T1 – 380,52 g·kg-1d.m., T2 – 297,66 g·kg-1d.m., T3 – 476,32 g·kg-1d.m., T4 – 414,60 g·kg-1d.m. and w T5 – 466,60 g·kg-1d.m. Variation in the composition of TMR in the studied technologies resulted from individual feed resources of each farm. Depending on the technology used to prepare the feed, the structure of the granularity of ingredients in the prepared rations of TMR was also different. It was evaluated by separating feed particles into four fractions using sieves.
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