Age of farm owners and their opinions on a need and forms of transportation services
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Uniwersytet Rolniczy w Krakowie, Instytut Inżynierii Rolniczej i Informatyki, ul. Balicka 116B, 30-149 Kraków, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2017;62(1):88-90
This paper presents results of research on the need for transportation services and their forms. Based on a conducted survey it might be stated that 59.04% of farmers see a need for transportation service and the share in answers increases along with an increase in age of the respondents (50% for group A and 68.18% fro group C). 46.94% of respondents point to time savings as the most common reason for such service demand. The average of service users is 48.80%, but this number increases along with an increase in farmers’ age. The most frequent justification for the use of transportation services is time efficiency (increase in number of users along with an increase in age) and cost efficiency (there is however an opposite correlation). 43.98% of farmers are service providers and their main reason is additional income, with a decreasing tendency along with an increase in age. Combination of supply services and sales with transportation services performed by compa-nies who supply and purchase products is the most frequently quoted service model, with the average of 36.73% and a decrease in interest in such ventures along with an increase in farmers’ age is visible. Another model is neighbour-to-neighbour services, with an average of 30.73% and a significant increase along with an increase in farmers’ age.
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