Agricultural biogas plant in Kostkowice. First experiences
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2011;56(4):189-192
November 15th, 2010, in less than half a year since the start of the investment agriculture biogas plant was opened in Experimental Station of National Research Institute of Animal Production in Grodziec Śląski, first in Silesia Region and one of the first in Poland. Initiative to build it originated from the conviction of the rightness of research and implementation of renewable energy sources, the belief that agriculture as a major producer of biomass can play an important role in this area, finally, the belief that harnessing biomass energy has a positive impact on the greenhouse effect in which agriculture is also involved. It was assumed that agriculture biogas plant in addition to production functions will serve educational and research functions for all potential recipients of such services. In agriculture biogas plant for biogas production by-products and waste products including environmentally harmful wastes from livestock production, are used. Plant biomass is added to allow the normal course of the fermentation process and yield of biogas. This paper describes the design and technological solutions of essential stages of the production of biogas - substrate storage, their dosing and grinding as well as transport to the fermentator, their hygienization or pasteurisation, handling of by-product - digesta which provides high-quality organic fertilizer containing biogenic elements more easily absorbed by plants, devoid of odor nuisance. One of the purposes of research was to determinate fertilizer usefulness and yield value of this substance. Cogeneration engine in which biogas energy is processing into electrical and thermal energy is important element of agricultural biogas plant. Determination of the efficiency of this unit and the use of thermal energy is also the objective of research and scope for innovative solutions. Agricultural biogas plant has a prototype design and technological solutions, constitutes a kind of testing ground and obtained results, conclusions and recommendations will be a valuable contribution towards the development of this activity. It will be a source of income and prestige for agriculture, in addition - the mean for ensuring food security and the participation in ensuring the energy security of the tangible values of environmental protection as well. It is another link of Renewable Energy Center in Kostkowice. Agricultural biogas plant in National Research Institute of Animal Production is a fulfilment of the governmental objectives contained in the document "Directions of development of agricultural biogas plants in Poland in 2010-2020" from July 13th, 2010.
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