Availability and quality of vegetable seeds from organic cultivation on domestic market
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Instytut Ogrodnictwa, Skierniewice
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2013;58(4):174-178
In organic production the use of organic seeds is obligatory. The list of organic seeds available on the market is inserted by The Chief Supervisor of Plant Protection and Seeds on internet. The list is updated each month as the suppliers applied. During 2009-2013 each year about 20 samples of organic vegetable seeds from the list were chosen for germination analysis. Some of the samples were stored for 2 and 4 years and tested again. In total 91 samples bought in different seed companies were tested. The results revealed that 88% of samples complied with requirements. In some cases large differences between the same species were obtained. After four- years storage seeds of following species: bean, cucumber, lettuce and celeriac germinated below the quality norm. Comparison of germination and field emergence of bean, carrot and parsley produced by organic and conventional method under similar climate and soil conditions constitutes the other part of studies. No effect of growing method on germination process was observed.
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