The analysis of homogeneity of industrial fodder for cattle
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Politechnika Opolska, Katedra Techniki Rolniczej i Leśnej
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2013;58(1):118-121
This work presents the results of homogeneity of fodder for cattle. Analysis of the course of the process of mixing industrial fodder for cattle in the paddle industrial horizontal agitator was the aim of the work. The homogeneity of fodder was assessed during mixing process for time: 180, 210 and 240 s. The quantity of mixed material amounted 2 tons. For research a samples every single time from five different places of the inside of the agitator were taken. To assess the quality of the fodder the Microtracer method was used. This pointer in the form of the iron filings was inserted into the agitator before the process of mixing start. The exactly determined amount of the iron filings in the unit of mass permitted to observe his contents in each sample and through this to assess the homogeneity of fodder. The results enabled calculations of basic statistics. Additionally basing on chi-square statistics a quality was defined for the fodder. The change in the homogeneity of mashes during mixing permitted the analysis of work of mixer. The obtained results are pointing to progress of the process of mixing in the set time. The best results were obtained for completed feed number 1.
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