The analysis of distribution logistics of new farm machines in the context of changes in the demand structure
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2012;57(2):85-91
The article presents an analysis of issues concerning the distribution logistics of new farm machines. It contains a characterization of the farm machines market in Poland. Selective domestic distribution conducted by leaders in the industry was discussed. The results of surveys of farm machines sales volume were presented in a graphic form. The surveys were carried out in the Sales Department of the enterprise which is an authorized distributor of farm machines and tractors. The series of carried out surveys spanned the years 2003-2010. The results of the surveys were subject to statistical analysis with the use of the R program version 2.14.1. The trend as well as random and seasonal fluctuations for a series of monthly observations were identified. Temporal breakdowns of sales were analysed in the context of the calendar of agrotechnical operations.
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