Analysis of beef topside RGB components of colour after thermal treatment executed in the steam-convection oven, on the basis of fresh meat colour
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2012;57(1):55-58
The aim of the presented research was to assess the possibilities of beef colour prediction, after thermal treatment executed in steam-convection oven. Beef topside was the applied model and the measurement of RGB components of colour was carried out using the computer image analysis system. The RGB components of colour were measured before thermal treatment and after thermal treatment - colour of meat and of browned surface of meat. It was observed, that R component of colour of beef topside was not correlated with R component of colour after thermal treatment. In case of G and B components of colour, significant or close to significance correlations were observed, in correlation both with colour of meat and with browned surface of meat. It was concluded, that before implementing prediction of beef topside colour after thermal treatment in steam-convection oven, on the basis of meat colour before thermal treatment, further researches are necessary, but it may be stated that it is a promising direction in researches.
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