The analyze of utilization of permanent grasslands for livestock production in chosen organic farms
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2006;51(2):54-62
During the years 2004-2005 the study in organic farms being under the control of certification bodies was carried out. The aim of study was evaluation of animal production based on bulky foods from meadows and pastures. 39 farms in 2004 and 35 in 2005, situated in different habitat conditions on the territory of 9 (2004) and 8 (2005) provinces, were examined. The farms, with over 30% participation of permanent grasslands (mean 47%) in structure of agriculture lands and with animal production based on the feeds from grasslands were chosen. The study with the questionnaire method and botanical composition analyses and chemical analyses of fodder was cared out. The elements of animal production; i.e. livestock density, systems of feeding and chosen elements of grassland management were evaluated. The dominant livestock on the examined farms was dairy cattle. In spite of significant differentiation between farms, the average livestock density was higher than the mean in Poland. A cattle feeding was based on bulky feeds with addition of concentrates, usually made on the farm. The basis of summer feeding of cattle was green forage from pastures or meadows usually after harvest of I or II cut. The most popular was dosed grazing, rotation grazing and free grazing. The basis of winter feeding was hay and grass silage and silage from arable lands, partly root crops, concentrates and the addition of the straw cereals or cereal-leguminous straw. The nutritive value of feeds from organic farms was similar to value of feeds produced actually in conventional farms on the area of the same provinces.
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