Beer consumption constitutes a significant portion of alcoholic beverage consumption in Poland. The growing interest in this product has prompted the exploration of solutions that not only affect production technology and costs but also influence the sensory and physicochemical attributes of the beverage. Incorporating unmalted raw materials is one such solution. This research aims to conduct a comparative analysis of haze formation in malted beers and beers with unmalted barley additions, considering diverse storage conditions and production scales. The results revealed that light has a more significant effect on turbidity formation than temperature. In the variants in which the impact of light on haze formation was investigated, the values of the average number of total particles were in the range of 130 (unsweetened laboratory under ultraviolet) to 1025 (unsweetened commercial under ultraviolet). The effect of temperature on haze formation was significantly less. In most cases, the average number of total particles was no greater than 200, with the highest result obtained being 300 (commercial malted under forced aging). Based on the study, it was concluded that, regardless of the scale of production, ultraviolet radiation causes significant haze formation in beer.
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