Analysis of biodiesel fuel and bioethanol production and consumption in Latvia
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Latvia University of Agriculture, Research Institute of Agricultural Machinery, Insrituta str.,1, Ulbroka, Riga region, LV-2130, Latvia
Latvian State Institute of Agrarian Economics, Insrituta str., 1, Ulbroka, Riga region, LV-2130, Latvia
Latvia University of Agriculture, Research Institute of Agricultural Machinery, Insrituta str., 1, Ulbroka, Riga region, LV-2130, Latvia
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2014;59(4):111-113
The article provides an analysis of the biofuel production and consumption development in Latvia. The biofuel production developed due to the state subsidies which were paid for the produced amount till the year 2010. The present capacities can ensure fulfilment of the norms set by the EU Directive for the consumption of biofuel; there is a competitive production unit with a modern technology and a great production output. However, in the field of consumption, the state considerably lags behind the norms mentioned. Therefore measures should be continued to promote biofuel consumption.
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