Analysis of fertilization process in rye (Secale cereale L. ssp. cereale) under different greenhouse conditions
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Poznań University of Life Sciences, Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding
Poznań University of Life Sciences, Department of Grassland and Natural Landscape Sciences
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2015;60(4):30-35
The purpose of the work was to assess the germination process and the growth of pollen tubes in rye Secale cereale L. ssp.
cereale) growing in greenhouse conditions taking into account different temperature conditions and exposures to light. The
rye cultivar Dankowskie Złote, was selected for the experiment and cultivar Dankowskie Nowe as a control. Microscopic
analysis were carried out using fluorescent techniques staining the preparations with aniline blue. Analysis were performed
after 10 min, 1 h, 2 h and 3 h from the pollination. The results indicate a negative effect of greenhouse conditions on pollen
germination, pollen tube growth and the fertilization process in rye Secale cereale (L.). The optimal greenhouse conditions
for plants flowering in winter time are: exposure to the artificial lighting over plants in single day-phase 16 hours long and
temperatures around 25°C for day. Temperatures lower than 20°C clearly interfere with the process of pollen grain germination,
the growth of pollen tubes and the fertilization process, which in turn leads to the lower fertility and yielding of
plants. In the process of producing new hybrid varieties and seed production in open-pollinated plants, plastic tunnels and
greenhouses are used as isolators. In case of reproduction of the single plants or lines, selecting the optimal conditions for
the fertilization process is of key importance.
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