Analysis of quantities of municipal waste generated in the Podkarpackie Region
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Uniwersytet Rolniczy w Krakowie im. Hugona Kołłątaja, Wydział Inżynierii Produkcji i Energetyki, ul. Balicka 116B, 30-149 Kraków, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2016;61(2):60-64
The paper presents an analysis of changes in the amount of municipal waste produced in individual poviats and communes of the Podkarpackie Region. The work was performed on the basis of own research carried out with the use of data collected from the Regional Data Bank, CSO, 2008 - 2014. The conducted analyses show that most waste is generated in cities with poviat rights where the value of the average waste accumulation is in the range of 200 to 300 kg · (per· year)-1. In other poviats, the index value was changing in a very wide range, from 45 to 200 kg · (per · year)-1. The analyzed communes of the Podkarpackie Region were also characterized by a large range of changes of the total mixed waste accumulation and household waste per person in a range of 14.5 kg · (person · year)-1 to 345.3 kg · (person · year -1 and 11,3 kg (person · year)-1 to 221.5 kg · (person · year)-1. It was therefore attempted to determine the effects of the administrative and functional type of communes on the size of the examined indicators. The analysis shows that the highest average of total waste accumulation characterized urban communes (253.6 ± 32.8 kg · (person · year)-1). The second place was taken by municipalities with urban, tourism and recreation areas (161.5 ± 38 kg · (person · year)-1). The lowest value, at the level of 68.6 ± 6 kg · (person · year) -1, characterized farming communities, and those with the advantage of agricultural, forests and residential functions. Three specific average values were determined for household waste accumulation ratio, i.e. 169.5 ± 23.7 (urban communes), 96.1 ± 16 kg · (person · year) -1 (urbanized communes, with multi-functional transition areas and those with tourism and recreation functions) and 53.6 ± 5 kg · (person · year) -1 for the other communes.
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