Analysis of the elements of edible potato cultivation technologies in small environment-friendly farms
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Koszalin University of Technology ul. Racławicka 15-17, 75-620 Koszalin, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2013;58(2):154-157
The present study covers an analysis of edible potato production technologies that are used in agricultural practice in small environment-friendly farms. The research focuses on the influence of machinery on energy inputs, costs and labour intensity. It was found that the selection and use of machinery results in a distinct variation of the edible potato production efficiency in small environment-friendly farms. The power of those farm tractors that are in use is frequently in excess of the requirements of the farm. The operating efficiency of agricultural machinery does not match in an adequate manner the power of used farm tractors. Research is required into an optimization of edible potato cultivation technologies that are used in practice in environment-friendly systems.
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