Antioxidant properties of beetroot fortified with iodine
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2023;68(2):10-15
This study aimed to investigate the use of beetroot as a carrier of potassium iodide (KI) and potassium iodate (KIO3) at different concentrations (2.3, 0.23, and 0.023 mg kg-1). It was hypothesised that the concentrations and forms of iodine fortification affect the antioxidant activity of beetroot. The results showed a high recovery of the introduced iodine, especially for KIO3. However, a relationship it was confirmed between the forms, and concentration of iodine and the free radical scavenging (the ABTS•+ and the DPPH•) test results. In the systems with the iodine concentration at 0.023; 0.23 mg kg-1, the antioxidant activity of the beetroot did not change. Nevertheless, a statistically significant decrease in free radical scavenging was confirmed for the beetroot fortified with the KIO3 concentration of 3.9 mg kg-1 (2.3 mg kg-1 of iodine). Therefore, maximum amount of KIO3 addition to beetroot should be 0.39 mg kg-1.
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