Api Life Var - organic preparation against varroa destructor invasion and its efficiency
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2009;54(4):100-102
Varroa destructor has been present for 20 years in Polish apiaries causing considerable losses, weakness of bee colonies and beekeeping production decreasing. To decrease invasion of this parasite every year treatment is needed. To abate varoatosis the various preparations based on chemic insecticides are used. These types of preparations couldn't be used in organic apiaries. Admissible are: biological methods, organic acids and vegetable substances. In the last years we certified high efficacy of oxalic acid. Its using is possible in the period when there is no brood in bee colonies (October, November). So late acid using is the problem because the parasite 's growth is very intensive to this moment. So necessary is earlier using anti-varroa preparations, after the latest honey harvest (the end of July and the beginning of August). It's the optimum time for the most of Polish apiaries in the various regions. In the last years Api Life Vare was registered as the preparation\ against Varroa. Its composition permits using it in organic apiaries. In 2008 preparation was applied in Apiculture Division in Pulawy in organic apiary and obtained a positive opinion.
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