The production of rapeseed oil requires a lot of energy. Before being pressed, seeds are conditioned, i.e. heated up to the process temperature for the whole mass. Then, as a result of pressing the extracted oil has a higher temperature compared to the ambient temperature. The objective of the study was to assess the application of heat pumps to reduce the energy consumption of the vegetable oil production process. The article analyses the results of the industrial experiment in which a heat pump was employed to cool down oil and heat up rapeseeds before pressing. As part of B+R project No INNOTECHK2/IN2/5/181835/NCBR/13, a prototype system was constructed with a capacity of 1.5 Mg of oil per hour. The research shows that the return on investment in the heat pump is maximum 2 months. Profit from heating seeds with heat obtained from oil cooling is about PLN 760,000 per annum in the analysed case.
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