Biomass is one of the renewable energy sources that could replace conventional carbonaceous fuels. The remains of timber industry or the agro-food sector are attractive sources of biomass taking into account environmental and economic aspects. Stones of fruits such as cherries, peaches or apricots can be converted into heat in the combustion processes. They can also be converted into liquid or gas biofuels in a gasification and pyrolysis processes. The aim of the study was to determine the higher (HHV) and lower heating value (LHV) of cherry stones and to determine their energy potential in Polish market of renewable energy. Relative humidity of dried cherry stones was 5.80±0.12% and ash content was equal to 1.43±0.04%. The higher heating value of crushed cherry stones was 20.6±0.7 MJ·kg-1, while the lower heating value 19.2±0.8 MJ·kg-1. The theoretical share of thermal energy from combustion cherry stones in the national heat production from renewable energy sources amounted to 0.42% in 2013.
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