Assessment of the condition of the coatings after the tests in a salt spray chamber
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Politechnika Poznańska, Instytut Maszyn Roboczych i Pojazdów Samochodowych, Poznań
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2018;63(4):229-233
Adhesive coatings in the form of layers are widely used in the protection of machines and equipment against corrosion. The article presents the research of four prepared areas which were subject to the influence of brine in the salt spray chamber. Powder paint was applied to one of the areas, another was covered with alkyd paint, another- with paint from spray can, and one of the areas was not protected against corrosion. The samples were exposed in a salt spray chamber. Changes occurring in the layers of individual coatings were registered at predetermined time intervals which were set in accordance with the standard. In addition, coating thickness measurements were made before and after samples exposure to brine. Based on the research, it was found that the first defects of powder coated coatings appeared only after 25 hours of brine influence, in contrast to the other areas where it occurred definitely early because after only 2 hours after starting the experiment.
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