Assessment of the content of polyphenol and the antioxidating potential in dried fruits populated on the market
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Poznan University of Life Sciences
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2020;65(2):24-29
Dried fruits are available to consumers all year round. Their regular consumption may contribute to the improvement of health and reduce the development of many diet-related diseases. The aim of the study was to determine the content of to-tal polyphenols, the ability to scavenge the DPPH radical, ABTS cation radical and the ability to chelate iron (II) ions in selected dried fruits available and consumed in Poland. It was found that dried fruit shows the ability to inactivate the DPPH radical and the ABTS cation, and also have chelating properties. It was shown that the content of polyphenols in the tested dried fruits was varied, however, the highest content of phenolic compounds and anti-radical activity were cha-racteristic of dried strawberries. The obtained results indicate that, thanks to the anti-free radical properties, the con-sumption of dried fruit may play an important role in the nutrition of health-conscious people.
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