Assessment of the impact of selected agriculture factors on maize nutritional status in critical growth stages using the plant analysis method. Part i. 5-6 leaf stage (BBCH 15/16)
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Poznań University of Life Sciences
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2021;66(1):10-18
The study presents the results of a 3-year field study, whose aim was to assess the effect of sowing and NP fertilizer application method on dry matter (yield) accumulation at the BBCH 15/16 stage of two different types (traditional and stay-green) of maize varieties. It was found that the nutritional status of maize in the stands rich in nutrients may only incidentally (depending on years) show a reaction to variety selection and row application of NP fertilizers, improving the values of nitrogen nutrition indices. Physiological indices of the plants’ status at the BBCH 15/16 stage showed a significant, albeit variable over the years, response to variety selection and the row application of NP fertilizers. The negative effect of the sowing method was revealed incidentally.
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