Assessment of the potential for the improvement in germination capacity of leguminous plants by means of plant extracts
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Politechnika Koszalińska, Katedra Agrobiotechnologii, Koszalin, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2016;61(3):62-66
The experiment presented in this article contributed to the assessment of the potential applicability of plant extracts for insoil treatment of leguminous plant seeds. Germination capacity of yellow lupine (Lupinus luteus L.) ‘Taper’ variety and field pea (Pisum sativum L.) ‘Milwa’ variety seeds was assessed after pre-treatment of the seeds with aqueous extracts of green plants selected in earlier in vivo laboratory tests. The extracts consisted of garlic (Allium sativum) bulb infusion for the treatment of yellow lupine seeds and dense-flowered mullein (Verbascum thapsiforme) flowers infusion for the treatment of field pea. Direct-soil germination of seeds was assessed in three combinations. The first combination used as the control combination consisted of non-treated seeds being sown into the soil; the second combination consisted of seeds pre-treated with plant extracts before being sown into the soil, while the third combination consisted of non-treated seeds being sown into the soil locally pre-treated with plant extracts. The experiments were carried out for two soils differing in physical characteristics. Direct application of plant extracts into the soil showed to have better impact on germination when compared to the pre-treatment of seeds, with the response observed in field pea being higher than that in yellow lupine. At the same time, probable factors that inhibited germination were also identified.
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