Assessment of the suitability of oat varieties (Avena sativa L.) for cultivation in organic system
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Instytut Uprawy Nawożenia i Gleboznawstwa - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy, Zakład Systemów i Ekonomiki Produkcji Roślinnej, ul. Czartoryskich 8, 24-100 Puławy, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2016;61(3):82-87
In the years 2014-2015 the study on the suitability of 7 oat varieties: 2 hulled (Bingo, Krezus) and 5 naked (Cacko, Maczo, Nagus, Polar, Siwek) for cultivation in organic farming was done. The experiments were conducted in two locations: Grabów (Mazowieckie province, organic farm of IUNG - PIB) and Chwałowice (Mazowieckie province, organic farm of CDR in Radom). In 2014 the yield of oats was on average by 2.0 t·ha-1 lower than in 2015 due to adverse weather conditions (excess rainfall and low temperatures during sowing and emergence). Naked varieties responded by greater reduction in yields (yield in the range of 1.5-3.0 t·ha-1) compared to the hulled varieties (4.1-5.4 t·ha-1), which was a consequence of the weaker emergence and small density of canopy. In 2015 favorable distribution of rainfall during a critical period for the development of oats allowed to get a good compactness of crop canopy, which together with the lack of fungal diseases provided the high productivity of this species. In both years of research hulled varieties yielded higher than the naked varieties (on average by 66%). Among the naked varieties the highest yield was obtained for Maczo variety (average 3.76 t·ha-1) and Siwek in Grabow (3.84 t·ha-1) and the lowest for Cacko (2.94 t·ha-1), due to the smallest density of plants and ears. Differences in the intensity of oat infestation between the localizations of experiments and oat varieties were found. Hulled oats varieties: Bingo and Krezus were characterized by greater competitiveness in relation to the weeds compared to the naked oat varieties (13% fewer weeds and 40% less dry matter of weeds). The greater competitive ability against weeds of hulled oat varieties compared with naked was the result of bigger plant and ears density, a greater dry matter of underground parts and the height of plants. Assessment of leaf infection of examined oat varieties in milky-wax maturity stage in 2014 showed moderate intensity of corona rust and leaf spot as well as slight degree of Septoria diseases while in 2015 showed no symptoms. The symptoms of Fusarium disease in both years occurred sporadically and showed no statistically significant differences between varieties.
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