The research has been carried out in laboratory conditions at the Institute of Agricultural Engineering at Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences. Two single- and two-stream ejector nozzles were used for the tests, which operated at the pressure of 0.2 and 0.4 MPa. The water sensitive papers placed on artificial plants were the sprayed objects. During tests, the sprayer moved at a constant operating speed of 8 km·h-1. The degree of coverage was determined by means of a computer image analysis in the Adobe Photoshop 7.0 CE program. The purpose of the research was to determine the average degree of coverage of the sprayed objects depending on the type and operating conditions of the nozzles and the spray characteristics. It has been shown that the spraying characteristic of the plants has an influence on the average coverage of the sprayed objects and it facilitates the selection of the right type of the nozzle for spraying the plants. This helps reduce the use of plant protection products, thereby reducing the pollution of the environment and surface waters with harmful substances.
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