Research of nonchemical methods of winter oilseed rape protection in Poland
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2011;56(3):220-223
In this the hypothesis was tested, whether Trichoderma asperellum can be used as competitive microorganism to Botrytis cinerea, Alternaria spp. and Phoma lingam. The potential of this biological agent to limitation of diseases symptoms and losses in the yields was assessed. Azadirachtin was used as insecticide towards of control Meligethes aeneus L. In a twoyear experiment, the effects of two foliar treatments of T. asperellum were tested in a split-plot-design with four replicates at the experimental organic farm in stage of plants BBCH 61 and BBCH 67. The results indicate that the efficiency of tested commercial product (Trifender WP) is different depending on the fungal pathogens and doses of product. T. asperellum is a biocontrol agent which can effectively limit the symptoms of diseases and increase the mass of grains. Dose of Trifender at 200g/ha was effective and could suggest that more frequently treatments during vegetation would be successful management. Azadirachtin used in case of pest insects was ineffective.
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