Investigations on the possibility of protection of organically grown red beet against fungal diseases
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2007;52(4):38-44
In 2003-2005 diseases occurrence in organic seed production of red beet and possibility of their control was researched. The experiment covered production of seedlings (1st year) and seeds (2nd year). Occurrence of diseases in particular years varied and depended mainly on weather conditions, however it had no significant effect on yield and quality, as well as roots and seeds. Biopreparations used as sprayings limited intensity of cercospora leaf spot (Cercospora beticola). Method of seed coating used in this study delayed plant germination, both under field and pot conditions. Seed treatment with biopreparations (Chitozan, Polyversum, biological material containing Trichoderma viride) before coating had, in the case of field conditions, no siginificant effect on limiting of seedling rot occurrence. From the phytopathological point of view there is a possibility of organic production of red beet seeds.
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