Study on the possibility of application of coffee water decoctions for limiting the growth of corn chamomile (Anthemis arvensis) and red poppy (Papaver rhoeas)
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2012;57(4):92-97
In the laboratory experiments the influence of coffee decoction on the growth and biomass cumulation was evaluated in two common weed species: corn chamomile (A. arvensis) and red poppy (P. rhoeas). The research covered 3 independent laboratory series, 3 repetitions in each series. Water extracts (decoctions) were prepared from roasted and ground coffee beans (C. arabica), obtaining 10.0%, 5.0% and 2.5% concentration. In the experiment apart from control, comparative object was prepared, where synthetic herbicide Atlantis 04 WG in the rates: 250.0 gźh-1, 125.0 gźh-1 and 62.5 gźh-1 was added. Obtained results showed that the strongest effect with reference to dry mass and plant height inhibition, both for corn chamomile (A. arvensis) and red poppy (P. rhoeas), was obtained from 10.0% coffee decoction concentration. In comparison to herbicide Atlantis 04 WG (rate 250.0 gźh-1), coffee decoction had lower efficacy of action (statistically confirmed) in ralation to dry corn chamomile (A. arvensis) biomass reduction. Whereas the efficacy of action of the 10.0% coffee decoction concentration in relation to dry red poppy (P. rhoeas) biomass reduction was close to the efficacy of action of the herbicide Atlantis 04 WG used in the 250.0 gźh-1 rate, that was statistically confirmed.
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