Multiple passes of traction and agricultural machinery on the track cause the formation of very pressed soil. The depth of its placement is variable and dependable not only on the kind and condition of the soil, but also on the value of stresses that are exerted on it by traction machinery. This also refers to the soil thickness. The occurrence of local soil density seems to be unbeneficial for the reasons relating to the technique of field-crop production. What is more, it has a great influence on yielding crops and plants growing.
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Jakliński L., Pilarczyk S.: Modele i symulacja rozprzestrzeniania się nacisków z uwzględnieniem przejścia przez podeszwę płużną. PW, Instytut Inżynierii Mechanicznej, Płock 2006, s. 225-231.
Zwischenbericht zum BMBF - Projekt 03300316. Projektbericht 2005. Entwicklung eines Online - Sensorsystems zur Erkennung der aktuellen Befahrbarkeit von Ackerböden. Braunschweig 2005.
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