Nitrogen balance in organic and conventional systems as assessed by different methods
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2006;51(2):68-73
The analysis of nitrogen balance in organic and conventional systems was presented in the paper. In this analysis 3 different methods were used: NDICEA model, MACROBIL program and modified OECD method. Nitrogen balance in the organic system in 2003-2005 calculated by OECD method amounted from 2 to 16 kgN/ha, whereas in the conventional system from 20 to 71 kgN/ha. The results for the organic system obtained from MACROBIL program significantly differed from those obtained by NDICEA model and OECD method, whereas for the conventional system no differences between methods were noted. A detailed analysis o nitrogen balance obtained from MACROBIL program revealed high underestimation of the amount of symbiotically fixed nitrogen, especially coming from the crop residues of a clover-grass mixture.
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