Biogas production from corn silage and apple pomace
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University of Agriculture in Krakow, Institute of Agricultural Engineering and Informatics
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2017;62(1):155-157
The objective of the paper was to determine the amount and quality of the obtained biogas on the fermentation medium from the selected substrates of agri-food industry. The need to reduce the use of traditional energy and the growth of interest in RES is related to searching for alternative energy sources. To some extent they are to secure the national energy economy. Biogas installations are the only solution which may be used mainly due to possibilities related to resources. The use of various fermentation media will provide an opportunity to increase energy production and at the same time will give a chance to reduce waste from industry, which may be used as a medium for the process. Results of analysis for the set up fermentation medium (corn silage and apple pomace) prove that the highest generation of methane was 61% and the highest daily biogas yield from the chamber took place on the ninth day of the process.
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