Biological characteristics of spawning population of vendace (Coregonus albula L.) from Lake Chłop (Międzyrzecz District)
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Poznan University of Life Sciences, Institute of Zoology Division of Inland Fishery and Aquaculture ul. Wojska Polskiego 71 C, 60-625 Poznań, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2017;62(3):117-123
Results presented in this study were collected within the framework of a project aiming at the determination of potential for vendace colonisation and production in lakes of western Poland and as such they are a continuation of previously published studies. The objective of studies carried out in 2011 was to investigate the most important biological traits of the population of the vendace from Lake Chłop lying in the Lubuskie Lakeland and to compare the results to the literature data, including those from the previously described Lake Śremskie. To achieve the objective of the research the following parameters were studied: sex structure, growth rate, fish condition, fertility as well as biometric and meristic traits of the studied vendance. At the same time, the most important physicochemical water indices were determined to provide a characteristic of the environmental conditions. The status of water was classified as moderate, with the deterioration of the water status caused by the low oxygen saturation of the hypolimnion and high contents of chlorophyll a. The vendace from the investigated water body may be classified to the fish group of very good growth rate and condition, only slightly inferior to the vendace from Lake Śremskie. In the third year of life this species reaches on average the total length of 22.0 cm, while Fulton’s index of fish condition ranged from 0.68 to 1.10 with a mean value of 0.82. We need to stress here markedly lower fecundity of the vendace population from Lake Chłop in comparison to the population from Lake Śremskie. Considering the quantitative traits, the fish population of Lake Chłop differs non-significantly regarding the body depth in the populations with a good growth rate described by Bernatowicz. The meristic traits of the studied population do not significantly deviate from the values reported by other researchers, except for filtration processes.
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