Biological effects of L-tryptophan and the vaccine azotobakteryna in soil
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University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn Department of Microbiology pl. Łódzki 3, 10-727 Olsztyn, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2013;58(4):238-241
The objective of this study has been to determine the effect of L-tryptophan on the biological properties of soil. The influence of L-tryptophan, a precursor of auxins, was tested in a pot experiment. Another aim has been to check whether it is possible to enhance the effect of L-tryptophan by increasing the pool of soil-borne Azotobacter spp. bacteria. The experiments were performed on samples of eutrophic brown soil developed from loamy sand of the pHKCl equal to 6.9. Portions of soil weighing 3.2 kg were placed in pots. The research comprised two series: with and without the vaccine Azotobakteryna added to soil. L-tryptophan was applied in the following doses: 0; 0.5; 5; 50 and mg kg-1 of soil. Onion was the tested plant. The results have demonstrated that L-tryptophan significantly affected the growth and development of onion. It had positive influence on the microbiological and biochemical properties of soil. L-tryptophan raised counts of the following bacteria: oligotrophic and their endospores, copiotrophic and their endospores, ammonifying, nitrogen-immobilizing, Azotobacter, and cellulolytic cells, as well as actinomycetes and fungi. It also stimulated the activity of dehydrogenases, urease, acid and alkaline phosphatase. In contrast, it decreased the counts of Arthrobacter and Pseudomonas. The vaccine Azotobakteryna increased the counts of such bacteria as Azotobacter, oligotrophs and their endospores, copiotrophs and their endospores, nitrogen-fixing bacteria, Arthrobacter, Pseudomonas, actinomycetes and fungi. The vaccine stimulated the activity of urease, but lowered the counts of ammonifying and cellulolytic bacteria as well as the activity of dehydrogenases.
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