The price of ecological farming products from the perspective of farmers, food-processing specialists and consumers
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2009;54(3):141-145
The aim of the paper was to present the opinion of farmers and food-processing specialists and consumers concerning the price of the ecological farming products. Personal opinions and attitudes are very important as a motive for action. The research was conducted among three groups of respondents - 108 owners of ecological farms (a postal survey), 7 owners or managers of ecological plants (an individual survey), and 35 consumers (a focused group survey conducted on three sessions). The research was carried out in July and August 2003 (ecological food-processing plants), from October 2003 to January 2004 (ecological farms, and in April and May 2009 (consumers). It was concluded that the price of ecological products was usually higher than the price of conventional products. With reference to conventional prices, thefarmers declared that they usually achieved higher prices for strawberries (95 %), wheat (90,9 %), and potatoes (87,7 %). The important role in establishing prices in ecological food-processing plants plays the cost method, and the less significant role is played by the demand and competitive methods. The straight majority of ecological farmers (91 %) expect higher prices for their products in relation to the standard. The level of tolerance for higher prices among consumers was diverse, and the price itself was listed as one of the factors influencing the purchase of food stuffs.
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