Characteristic of organic flour produced from einkorn wheat and rheological properties of einkorn dough in terms of bread obtaining
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Instytut Biotechnologii Przemysłu Rolno-Spożywczego im. prof. Wacława Dąbrowskiego, Warszawa, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2015;60(4):61-66
Varieties of common wheat, adapted to conventional farming system, transferred to organic farming, bring crops lower
yielding than in conventional cultivation, whilst the nutritional value of grain doesn't increase. Therefore growing of ancient
wheat, including diploid einkorn Triticum monococcum gives a chance to develop local producers of food and contributes to
maintaining agricultural biodiversity and obtaining grain characterized by higher content of biologically active compounds.
Another reason to reach for the old varieties of cereals, including the first form of cultivated wheat is growing consumers’
interest in nutritionally valuable food ingredients including an antioxidant phytochemicals (tocols, coupled polyphenols,
phytosterols, carotenoids). The aim of this work was to evaluate organic flour made from einkorn, available on Polish market,
in terms of physico-chemical properties (protein content, yield and quality of gluten) and determine the rheological
properties of the dough obtained from einkorn flour. Antioxidant activity of flour was assessed and researches performed
including characterization of microbial ecosystem of flour. It has been found that the quality of the proteins of the test batch
of einkorn flour was very low, the amount of wet gluten was significantly lower than the minimal level required for bread
flour (25%). Gluten of einkorn had a high viscosity and plasticity. In einkorn flour low number of lactic acid bacteria was
detected. The evaluation of einkorn dough revealed that einkorn flour had weak reological (farinographic) properties, it
means low water absorption, short development time of dough, short stability. The high degree of softening indicated low
grow tolerance of dough. Therefore it is necessary to use technological additives like gluten or mixing einkorn and wheat
flour. In order to improve einkorn bread quality it is advisable to apply sourdough technology with use of starter culture .
Einkorn flour gives to bread functional features, with the added value in the form of increased content of polyphenolic compounds
and antioxidant activity.
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