Ecological characteristics of soils in urban allotments
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2006;51(2):13-16
The aim of the study was to characterize soils in the allotments in respect of trace elements content and chemical activity. The research covered allotments situated in the city centre and in areas under the strong pressure of an anthropogenic factor (near industrial plants and/or busy roads) and also in the outskirts of the city where the physiographic conditions are similar but the level of possible anthropogenic pollution is lower. The degree of heavy metal pollution in the examined soils and the increase in enzymatic activity were assessed. The results indicate the local effect of the anthropogenic factor pressure. Negative correlations have been observed between the contents of zinc, lead and copper in the soil and the activity of the examined enzymes. High enzymatic inactivation of the soils affected by anthropogenic factors (city centre) means that the level of heavy metal pollution is so high that it poses a threat to living organisms.
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