Characteristics and origin of seed material in organic farms of Mazovian Province
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2009;54(4):36-40
The inquiries were done among organic farmers of Mazovian Province at the end of 2006 and the beginning of 2007. They concerned the origin and quality of seed used in their farms and possible difficulties in purchase of seed. The results showed that the requirement of use of certified organic seed is observed only by half of the farmers. For more than 69% of the farmers this requirement is hard to obey because "there are no suitable species and varieties", "there is no enough supply of seeds", "seed is expensive". 23% of farmers were not satisfied with seed quality. Main objections concerned weed seeds in the seed lot and low field emergence level. Ali the farmers produce seed in their farms but only 30% applied for the permission to use conventional seeds. Respondents treat seeds by themselves. However almost 40% of them needs help in organic, non-chemical on farm seed treatment.
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