Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) - the possibilities of crop in ecological farms in the region of the middle Pomeranian
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2009;54(3):115-117
The research was conducted in order to determine the influence of meteorological conditions on vegetation process of chickpea - variety Principle, botanic form of kabula grown in the region of the Middle Pomeranian. The research was planned between 2007 and 2008 in the area of a farm situated in the village named Stary Grabiąż, Szczecinek district, zachodniopomorskie voyevodship. Observations and measurements conducted during vegetation period of the plants covered: dates of appearing following stages of growth, planting, evaluation of health conditions during vegetation process. General crop level and MTN were stated. Weather conditions during vegetation process did not allow to state clearly if meteorological circumstances of Middle Pomeranian prove to be favourable for growing chickpea. Meteorological conditions were not favourable for the correct growth of the plants. In theyear 2007 the time of sunrises was cold and dry whereas the remaining months were too moist. In 2008 Szczecinek district was ranked as the region stricken with draught.
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