The pressure agglomeration of the plant materials - the technological and technical innovations. Part 2. The dosing and mixing-densifying arrangement
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Politechnika Białostocka, Wydział Mechaniczny, Zakład Techniki Rolno-Spożywczej ul. Wiejska 45C, 15-345 Białystok
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2013;58(1):60-63
The aim of the paper is to investigate the innovation in the process of the production of the pellets and briquettes of the materials of vegetal origin. Complexity and the variety of questions stepping out during the granulating (pelletting), briquetting process causes that the technical and technological innovations consist in solving the process details with the simultaneous modernization of the working arrangements of the granulating-briquetting devices. The innovatory solution of the dosing arrangement which assures proportionate passing of the material under rolls in the working arrangement „the matrix–densification rolls” was presented in the paper. The innovatory mixing arrangement of the material before passing him to the dosing arrangement was also presented in this paper. The construction of the arrangement allows the simultaneous realization of the mixing operation and the pressure- less granulating of the dusting fraction of the processed material both.
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