The pressure agglomeration of the plant materials - the technological and technical innovations. Part 1
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2012;57(1):63-65
The aim of the work is to carry out the investigations into introducing the innovation in the process of pellets and briquettes production from plants material. The complexity and the variety of questions appearing while the pelleting and briquetting process cause that the technical and technological innovations consist in solving the processing details. For example: during the investigations into briquetting process of the volumetric fodders with straw using the matrix with diameter of the hole of about 28 mm, the increase in average size of particles of cut straw from 10 to 40 mm caused the decrease in density of briquettes of about 22 kg/m3 (about 2%), and also the reduction of power consumption of about 0,002 kWh/kg (about 2%); however the decrease of value of relation between matrix hole diameter and their length from 0,35 to 0,2 causes the increase in the density of briquette of about 90 kg/m3 (about 8%) and the augmentation of individual power consumption of about 0,018 kWh/kg (approx. 18%).
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