Co-based alloy surface layers with boron carbide particles produced on S235 steel by laser cladding method
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Poznan University of Technology, pl. Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie 5, Poznań, Poland
Industrial Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Poland, ul. Starołęcka 31, 60-963 Poznań
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2014;59(1):12-16
The work presents results of study of the surface layers formed during the laser cladding process with powder mixture of Co-based alloy and B4C particles on S235 steel. The study included production of the surface layers by using laser device equipped with three-stream nozzle powder feeding system. The different feed rate and the same value of laser beam power have been used. The influence of powder morphology on efficiency of laser metal deposition as well as influence of B4C additive on microhardness, microstructure and chemical composition of produced surface layers have been investigated.
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