Comparative quantitative study on phytochemical contents of hops (Humulus lupulus L.)
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Foundation for the Education of Innovation and Implementation of Modern Technologies, Poznań, Poland
Poznan University of Life Sciences
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2020;65(2):18-23
Hop cones (Humulus lupulus L.) are mainly used as the main flavoring ingredient in beer production. Cones contain ac-tive compounds that determine not only the aromatic characteristic, but also functional properties. The aim of this study was to determine the basic anatomical characteristics of hops of the following varieties: Marynka, Lubelski, Magnum, and the assessment of the content of selected phytochemicals in water extracts. The different level of the content of chlorophyll depending on the cultivar studied was shown. The cones of the Marynka variety (0.49 mg/g) had the highest content of to-tal chlorophylls. All tested hop cone extracts showed a similar content of carotenoid pigments. The highest amount of pol-yphenolic acids was found in extracts prepared from the Lubelski variety cones (5.22 mg chlorogenic acid/g), and the lowest in the cones of Marynka variety (3.36 mg chlorogenic acid/g). Based on the research, it was shown that hop cones can be a good raw material for the production of water extracts due to the high content of biologically active compounds. Hop cones can be a raw material for the production of functional food.
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