Comparison of economic efficiency related to the production of winter triticale in farms which use different variants of fertilization
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Szczecin West Pomeranian University of Technology, The Chair of Technical Equipment Construction and Use
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2016;61(3):233-235
The intensification of livestock production in our country, forces farmers to search for optimum manners to manage byproducts such as slurry or manure. The traditional manner consists in their use as fertilizer. Although such an approach has obvious advantages, well known for many years, it involves an increase in operating costs, which may outweigh the profitability of the use of natural fertilizers. Based on the results of the economic analysis related to the production of winter triticale, in two neighbouring farms, an increase in production costs of winter triticale was found out, arising from the application of slurry. However, the farm using slurry, owing to higher crop, achieved more profit and in consequence featured a factor of economic efficiency on average higher by 0.1.
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