Control algorithm of a precision seeder
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Industrial Institute of Agricultural Engineering ul. Starołęcka 31, 60-963 Poznań
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2013;58(4):146-149
This paper addresses the issue of the control system of a precision seeder. This seeder is to be used to dispose seeds in one field in such way that the plants originated from those seeds resemble the pixels of a digital image, thus acting as a "garden printer". The seeder is developed to be used for seeding public gardens with complex images and shapes, but the knowledge obtained on its development is to be used as well in other fields of precision agriculture. After a brief description of the components of the seeder, the control algorithm will be presented, as well as the mathematical principles behind it. At the end of this document a field test, where the logo of the Industrial Institute of Agricultural Engineering was seeded/"printed" on the snow (in order to be visible), is shown.
Ratajczak P. i in.: Precyzyjny siewnik (sterowany systemem gps) do wysiewu różnych gatunków nasion w postaci wzorów dla zastosowań w zieleni miejskiej. Rozpoznanie zapotrzebowania, opracowanie koncepcji rozwiązań i testy z wykorzystaniem modelu doświadczalnego, opracowanie wewnętrzne niepublikowane, nr pracy: BO/4/823/2010, PIMR, 2010.
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