Correction method of the uniform distribution of grain in the pneumatic drill head
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Politechnika Poznańska, Instytut Maszyn Roboczych i Pojazdów Samochodowych
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2017;62(1):27-30
Currently, in the commonly used pneumatic drills a control of grain movement in the seed line is not envisaged. The paper presents a method for correcting the uniformity of distribution of the grain material on the basis of an innovative device prototype designed and made at Poznan University of Technology. The main objective was to develop an improved manifold used to ensure uniformity of the grain distribution to a pneumatic drill by registering the change in slope angle depending on grain falling on a control disc. In order to characterize the correction process, further investigation is scheduled. The prototype’s mechanical parts and electrical system are expected to correct the grain distribution process by feedback, self-adjustment and manual control from an external computer.
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