The stainless steels are used to build parts of machinery for agriculture. These components should have adequate corrosion
resistance because they contact with aggressive environments, such as natural and artificial fertilizers, or e.g. during the
biogas production. In such environments austenitic AISI 304L (EN 1.4301) and AISI 316L (EN 1.4571) stainless steels are
mostly used. In the available literature authors found no information on the corrosion potentiodynamic tests in manure.
That was the reason to undertake the studies on one of the austenitic stainless steels to perform corrosion tests in the environment
of animal slurry. The article presents the analysis of general and pitting corrosion of AISI 304L (EN 1.4307) steel
in the environment which is the cattle slurry. Potentiodynamic measurements were made on the potentiostat ATLAS 98 with
a scan rate of 0.1 mV∙s-1 in the anodic direction and with scan rate of 1 mV∙s-1 in the return cathodic direction. The measurement
was started in the anodic direction from potential of minus 600 mV against the saturated calomel electrode (SCE)
to achieve a current density of 1000 μA∙cm-2. After that the cathodic scan was done back to the potential of -600 mV vs.
SCE. The general corrosion in animal slurry is higher than in 3% water solution of sodium chloride. The corrosion potential
measured in the animal slurry was equal to -525 mV vs. SCE. That clearly indicates a higher tendency to general corrosion
in comparison with the results obtained in 3% sodium chloride solution (-200 mV vs. SCE). The passive current density
ratio measured in the animal slurry to that one in 3% NaCl aqueous solution is equal approximately 8.5.
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Rokosz K., Hryniewicz T.: Effect of magnetic field on the pitting corrosion of austenitic steel Type AISI 304. Ochrona przed Korozją, 2011, 54 (7), 487-491.
Rokosz, K., Hryniewicz, T., Raaen S.: Characterization of Passive Film Formed on AISI 316L Stainless Steel after Magneto-electropolishing in a Broad Range of Polarization Parameters. Steel Research International, 2012, 83, 910-918.
Rokosz K., Hryniewicz T.: Pomiary odporności na korozję wżerową stali austenitycznej AISI 304 używanej do budowy cystern mleczarskich. Technika Rolnicza Ogrodnicza Leśna, 2012, 3, 12-15.
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